Monday, June 27, 2011

Status Quo

That's all that has been going on folks, maintaining. For the most part, at least.

I fell off the wagon for a few months. Going through a separation and subsequent divorce can do that to you. I have been thoroughly enjoying life though. I have met some great new friends and have been getting out much more than usual, which has resulted in a few less workouts, a few more calories, and a lot more wine.

I am still hovering at about 19% bodyfat but I believe that I was as low as 17% prior to my recent "slip-ups". I had much better definition back in March.

I grocery shopped yesterday and stocked the kitchen with clean food and I feel like I am recommitted to my goals. I am narrowing in on some goals in the gym which include balancing and symmetry and shredding and building my problem areas, hams, glutes, and hips.

I plan to add Bikram Yoga into my regular routine and some TRX body weight training. Living downtown part-time affords me the opportunity to visit some of these specialized gyms that I wouldn't normally have a chance to visit. I am also giving some thought to trying Cross Fit, but the movements and speed still scare a form-conscious person such as myself.

For those of you who have asked where I have been and why the posts have stopped, thank you! You may have been the fire under my ass I needed!