Thursday, March 24, 2011

This week's diet, so far!

Tuesday, March 22nd

Preworkout: NO Explode
Post Workout: Eggwhites with mushrooms, jalepenos, and 2% cheese
Meal: handful of nuts, 1 wedge of Laughing Cow light, green tea
Meal: Large veggie salad and 3 turkey muffins
Meal: Muscle Milk Light
Pre-workout: Handful of organic animal crackers (not the best choice but needed energy for second workout)
Meal: Whole wheat pita pizza

Wednesday, March 23rd
Preworkout: NO Explode
Post Workout: Eggwhites with Muschrooms, jalepenos, and 2% cheese
Meal: Handful of nuts and dried fruit
Meal: Freshii Noodle bowl
Meal: New Whey Shot
Meal: 1/2 Buffalo Chicken wrap from Freshii
Meal: Wine and cheese its (Uh, yeah)

Thursday, March 24th
Meal: Eggwhites with veggies in 2 corn tortillas
Meal: 1/2 buffalo Chiken wrap from Freshii
Meal: 1/4 cup cooked Quinoa with veggies and lemon juice
Meal: Muslcle Milk light
Meal: Pita Pizza
Meal: Casien protein and dark chocolate square

As you can see, during a given week, I am repeating a lot of food. That is because this is how I shop and prep my meals for the week. This week has been a little boring so far, with a couple of cheats. Next week, I am going to aim for more variety.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Pizza with a side of re-inspiration

For those of you that know me, you might be aware that I am facing some challenges at home right now that aren't going to be easily resolved without a huge, heaping dose of stress!

Thinking back to how I used to handle these types of situations; a bottle (or two) of wine, bad TV, and a pack of smokes, I feel the need to be ultra cognizant of my emotions right now in order to prevent picking up bad habits.

For the past couple of weeks, amidst some of the aforementioned stress, I haven't been eating the best and there have been a few more glasses of wine than what I consider to be "on plan". I have forgiven myself and I am moving forward, hoping to turn some of the negative energy into energy that I can use to finally start seeing gains in the gym and putting miles and miles on the open road in preparation for my marathon that is less than 3 months away. I have been re-inspired.

So....all that said, this weekend was fabulous!

I hit the gym hard on Saturday, crushing my legs and still experiencing DOMS 2 days later. Sunday was back, biceps and a spinning class led by an instructor that must have been under the influence of some type of speed. Today? HIIT cardio session and heavy HEAVY triceps and chest.

All this working out makes a girl hungry. A trip to Trader Joe's resulted in an easy pizza; whole wheat pita bread, organic pizza sauce, skim milk mozz, and veggies, veggies, and more veggies.

In order to stay 100% accountable, I will be sharing my diet here each and every day for the next month.

4:30AM: Preworkout: NO Explode, Glutamine
6:00 AM: Postworkout: Chocolate whey protein shake with BCAAs
9:00 AM: Baked Oatmeal
12:00 PM: Veggie salad (Romaine, brocolli, tomatoes, mushrooms, edamame), 2tbs Trader Joes spicy peanut dressing, 3 turkey muffins, 2 capsules CLA, Glutamine
3:00 PM: Protein Shot
6:00 PM: Veggies and 4oz of chicken
Right before bed: Casein with fresh strawberries and dark chocolate square

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's working, it's really working!

It is SO much easier to lose fat than it is to gain muscle. Losing 70 pounds over the last year and a few months was easy in comparison to the new goals I have set for myself.

I can admit it, I am not a patient person. It was frustrating for me when I was losing weight to see less than 2 pounds come off the scale on a weekly basis. Those weeks where I lost nothing, or even gained a pound or two, were pure torture! I wanted more of an immediate satisfaction with all the hard work and clean food I was eating.

Feeding your mind with the right information about health and eating is just as important as feeding your body with the right foods. Knowing how the process of transforming yourself is supposed to work, and constantly reminding yourself of that process is key to staying motivated. Otherwise, I may have let my frustrations get the best of me. I may have quit!

Now that my goal is to add lean muscle mass, I really REALLY need to be sure I am paying close attention to the process, the meals, and the workouts. I am working out 3x as hard as I was when I was losing body fat, with no where near the amount of visible results. Now that I am fine tuning the appearance of my body, every thing matters. The cheats, the workouts, and the dedication.

I am happy to say, that while still somewhat frustrating, I am seeing the small changes. I am seeing the cuts of my muscles take form, slowly but surely.

Tomorrow is measurements day and picture day. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will see even just a few centimeters of a change here and there.

My purpose of this post; Keep with it. It works. The process works. Don't quit. When you get frustrated pick up a copy of a health magazine (Oxygen is my favorite) or read a healthy/weight loss blog. Re inspire yourself.