Thursday, January 20, 2011

Chicken Polenta

I totally ate this one before I could take a picture!

This recipe came from Jen-Fit of Recipes for Gals in Figure and Bodybuilding. Find her on Facebook. She is awesome and always comes up with a couple recipes that make you wonder if you are cheating or not because they taste so good! I altered her recipe just a little in order to avoid going to the grocery store.

I layered cut polenta on the bottom of a baking dish.

On the stove top, I sauteed onions and garlic with a tsp of olive oil. Once the onions were translucent, I added a can of low sodium petite cut tomatoes, 2 10 oz cans of chicken breast in water, and 2 tbs of premade, all natural pesto.

I then poured half of this mixture on top of the layer of polenta and added another layer of polenta and the remaining half. On top, I placed about 5oz of fresh cubed mozz.

I baked in 350 oven for 30 minutes. DELICIOUS!

Tomorrow, I am trying her Pumpkin Chicken Wontons. I will try to exercise some restraint so that I take photos first.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011 Measurements

I am doing away with the scale for the next two months and will solely rely on the measuring tape to tell me how I am doing. it goes!

I never get chest and bust right so to explain;

Over my breasts: 38"
Under my breasts: 32"
Waist: 27"
Hips: 35"
Thighs: 20"
*Hint: When measuring your thighs, measure the half way point between the top of
your knee cap where your upper thigh meets the hip. That is where you want to
take your thigh measurement.
Calves: 13"
Bicep: 10 3/4" unflexed, 12 1/8" flexed

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What do I eat?

In an attempt to put some muscle on my body, I am really upping the protein in my diet and varying the types of protein I eat at different times during the day. While my diet isn't as fun as it can be right now, I have decided to restrict calories to 1,600/1,700 per day in order to be bikini ready in February for our vacation to the Dominican Republic. Once I return, I will increase my calories back to about 2,000.

So...I have been asked "what do you eat?". I decided to print the frame directly from in order to show you what I ate yesterday. I am still eating about every 2.5 hours and I am NEVER hungry. I could have used some more fruit and veggies yesterday and my goal will be to add more of those today.

Here we have it (Double click the photo to see the details):

Monday, January 3, 2011

We have a winner!

Joan will be receiving the signed copy of the cookbook! Thanks everyone for sharing your 2011 goals with me. Good luck to you all!